Electrical Project | |
Client Name & Address | “Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited Office of the Chief Engineer, Electricity, Tendering & Procurement, KPTCL, Kaveri Bhavan, ‘A’ Block, P.B. No. 9990, Bangalore – 560009” |
Nature of Work | Establishing of 1X8 MVA 66/11KV Sub Station at HETTUR in Sakaleshpura, Hassan And construction of 66 KV SC Line to Proposed 66/11 KV Substation at Hettur for a distance of 12.672 Kms |
Tender Value (in Rs.) | 738 Lakhs |
Sailent Features | Establishing of 1X8 MVA 66/11KV Sub Station at HETTUR in Sakaleshpura, Hassan And construction of 66 KV SC Line to Proposed 66/11 KV Substation at Hettur for a distance of 12.672 Kms |